Teen Producers: Transition – Out for Safe Schools

Teen Producers Project

Youth filmmakers in the Media Arts Center’s Teen Producers Project create a short documentary on the Gay Straight Alliance student club at Hoover High School. This video includes informative interviews with students and teachers at Hoover High School about creating a safe campus for LGBT youth.

The Gay Straight Alliance at Hoover High School is working to promote a culture of acceptance and support among staff and teachers for the LGBTQ+ community through their Out for Safe Schools workshops that provide training for teachers who are dedicated to this mission.

Students from Hoover High School in City Heights participated in a program to produce a photo essay/blog and two types of broadcast news stories. Presented by Media Arts Center San Diego, The Aja Project and KPBS, these students undertook a 12 week program that centered on civic minded storytelling through different media.

Teen Producers: Mikaela Card & Jason Fletes
