Teen Producers: Day of Silence

Teen Producers Project

Youth filmmakers in the Media Arts Center’s Teen Producers Project create a short documentary on the Day of Silence at Hoover High School. This video includes informative interviews with students and teachers at Hoover High School about recognizing the challenges LGBT youth face in schools.

As students across America struggle with sexual preferences, schools like Hoover High School in City Heights recognize these challenges and dedicated a Day of Silence in support of those who have been silent for so long.

Students from Hoover High School in City Heights participated in a program to produce a photo essay/blog and two types of broadcast news stories. Presented by Media Arts Center San Diego, The Aja Project and KPBS, these students undertook a 12 week program that centered on civic minded storytelling through different media.

Teen Producers: Mikaela Card & Jason Fletes
