Tag: Crawford High School

  • City Heights Schools Ahead of the Curve on Teacher Evaluations

    This data revolution is a departure from those semiannual classroom visits by the principal. Reformers say such limited observations and subsequent evaluations have done nothing to boost student achievement. But they’re measures San Diego Unified is holding fast to, according to reporter Will Carless. Its leadership says “value-added metrics” are too risky to employ across…

  • Pink Slips for Teachers of the Year

    Jonathan Winn. Eric Nielsen. Precious Jackson-Hubbard. Edward Moller. Chris Dier. Jacquilin Magat. Jeff Sabins. Leah Gray. What do all these teachers have in common? They were all named teachers of the year at their respective schools–Crawford High School, Lincoln High School and Bell Middle School–in the last few years. And they all just received notices…

  • Crawford Could Lose Small Schools

    By Kyla Calvert More than a dozen schools would be closed, relocated or consolidated next year under a plan being recommended by a San Diego Unified School District committee. The plan calls for Crawford High School to break up its four small academies and revert to traditional comprehensive school status. The recommendation from the district’s…

  • Refugee Students Explore Food Justice With Cameras

    During the month of July, students in The AjA Project‘s food justice workshop at Crawford High School explored cultural relationships to food. Through photo exercises and discussions, students considered the things that make their families’ food traditions unique and important, as well as how those traditions have and have not changed since coming to America.…