City Schools Still Face Big Deficit

Ron LittleRon Little, chief financial officer of the San Diego Unified School District | Photo Credit: Sam Hodgson

By Will Carless
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When the news came in yesterday that Gov. Jerry Brown would be making far smaller cuts to state education funding than previously expected, there were grins all round at a school board workshop at the San Diego Unified School District’s headquarters.

But Ron Little, the district’s CFO, wasn’t smiling.

Reached after the workshop for a scrambled 30-second interview in the corridor, Little confirmed that the district must still cut at least $60 million from its budget next year. A district spokesman later upped that estimate to $73 million.

And there’s the rub.

That state’s cuts are considerably smaller than they could have been gives the district some breathing room, but all the move really does is turn what was a huge problem into a really big problem.

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