City Heights Celebrates Affordable Housing Renovation

By Dwane Brown

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By Christopher Maue

The City Heights Community Development Corporation partnered with Wakeland Housing & Development Corporation to renovate 10 properties in the City Heights neighborhood.

On Friday, residents and leaders walked through the gates of one of the recently renovated properties to celebrate its completion.

Ken Grimes, executive director of the City Heights Community Development Corporation, said it was designed for people struggling to make ends meet. City Heights has traditionally been a place where people could find cheaper rent.

“We use public subsidies to make these properties available to families and the rents are fixed in relation to their income,” Grimes said.

City Heights resident Tranisha Dangerfield said the key-less entry is just one of the many upgrades to her apartment complex.

“It’s now a nice gated community and only the people that live there have the fobs to get in and out,” Dangerfield said.
