Category: Food Justice
It’s Census Day. What Happens Now?
Wednesday may officially be Census Day in the United States, but the Census has actually been in progress since January when the count began in remote regions of Alaska. What are the challenges involved in counting every person living in the U.S., and what is the process in San Diego?
Latina mothers spark change
Latina mothers spark change through educating their community by speaking out about child obesity and their natural rights.
AmeriCorps Members Honor MLK At City Heights’ New Roots Community Farm
The micro farm, founded more than a decade ago by members of San Diego’s refugee community, is situated on 54th Street in City Heights.
San Diego Culinary Program Takes On Hunger, Waste And Barriers To Employment
A San Diego program sets out to give people dubbed “unemployable” the skills to break a cycle of poverty.
How San Diego Schools Fight Hunger During The Holidays
For some students, school meals are a lifeline. What happens during the holiday break?