Year: 2016

  • Lot on El Cajon Boulevard May Soon Be Vacant No More

    Beryl Forman and Tootie Thomas discuss plans for an empty lot along El Cajon Boulevard in City Heights, April 14, 2016. By Megan Burks The state’s redevelopment program to invest in blighted communities left behind a lot of successes when it dissolved in 2012. But it also left behind a lot of empty lots —…

  • What’s Behind the Lopsided Enrollment Numbers at Hoover High’s Tech Academy

    By Rachel Evans At Hoover High School’s Academy of Information Technology, students learn an array of technical skills from website design and coding to software and systems development. Ellen Towers, a teacher who left a career at General Motors, launched AOIT at the school in 2003. The academy has more than 500 graduates. But there’s…

  • Emerald Wants Zombie Redevelopment Dollars for City Heights

    By Andrew Keatts Councilman David Alvarez calls it the Catch-22 of San Diego development. Where development is economically viable, it isn’t politically viable. And where it’s politically viable, it isn’t economically viable. In the end, you’ve got developers desperate to build in areas that don’t want it, and areas desperate for development that developers won’t…

  • Interpreter Training Aims to Lift Burden Off Children, Friends at the Doctor’s Office

    Video Credit: Brian Myers, Media Arts Center San Diego By Brian Myers The Alliance for African Assistance is putting on a 40-hour mental health interpreter training course. It’s offered through their Global Village program, a branch that provides language and cultural support to healthcare providers, social service agencies and other organizations. Global Village Programs Manager…

  • Karen Community Looks Forward to a Safe Crossing at Altadena and El Cajon

    Video Credit: Brian Myers, Media Arts Center San Diego By Brian Myers Residents this month rallied at the intersection of Altadena Avenue and El Cajon Boulevard, where a man was seriously injured last August when he was struck by a car while crossing the five lanes of traffic. A study by city traffic engineers found…