Year: 2016

  • Teen Producers: Transition – Out for Safe Schools

    Teen Producers Project Youth filmmakers in the Media Arts Center’s Teen Producers Project create a short documentary on the Gay Straight Alliance student club at Hoover High School. This video includes informative interviews with students and teachers at Hoover High School about creating a safe campus for LGBT youth. The Gay Straight Alliance at Hoover…

  • Teen Producers: Day of Silence

    Teen Producers Project Youth filmmakers in the Media Arts Center’s Teen Producers Project create a short documentary on the Day of Silence at Hoover High School. This video includes informative interviews with students and teachers at Hoover High School about recognizing the challenges LGBT youth face in schools. As students across America struggle with sexual…

  • Bike Class Prepares Riders for Street Traffic

    Video Credit: Brian Myers, Media Arts Center San Diego By Brian Myers A bicycle class in City Heights aims to build confident bike riders that commute on city streets. Cars and bikes share the same roads and the same traffic laws that apply to automobile drivers also apply to bicycle riders. A two ton difference…

  • LGBTQIA+ Hoover Community by Mikaela Card

    LGBTQIA+ Hoover Community by Mikaela Card

    Administration and teachers like Hoover’s Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) advisor, Michael Heu, received “Out for Safe Schools” badges and posters by participating in an LGBTQIA+ student-led “Out for Safe Schools” training at Hoover High School. By wearing their badges on lanyards and displaying the posters in their classrooms, Hoover High School teachers and staff create safe…

  • Sidewalk Near Dangerous City Heights Intersection Could See Upgrades This Summer

    By Tarryn Mento A dangerous City Heights intersection where a young skateboarder was killed in a hit-and-run accident last fall could see safety upgrades this summer. Activists have lobbied city officials for a new sidewalk along 54th Street near Chollas Parkway since 15-year-old Jonathan Cortez was struck by a car there in October 2015. A…