City Heights Community Organizer Advocating for Educational Equality

Daniel Nyamangah

Within the complex landscape of City Heights, a metropolitan community of 95,000 residents living in approximately 6.5 square miles, exist many valuable assets. Philanthropic and nonprofit organizations, community-based organizations and centers, and highly engaged residents dedicate their expertise, experience, and passion to the community.

Daniel Nyamangah, City Heights resident and Community Organizer for the Crawford Community Connection (CCC) program through SAY San Diego, became a facilitator for the Parents, Students, Residents Organization (PSRO) to advocate for healthy students, supportive schools, and educational equality. Created in 2012, PSRO supports and organizes meaningful resident engagement on issues such as education policy, improving the health of students and leadership development for families in City Heights.

“(PSRO) has been a way of building a bridge between the community, the educators, and the school district,” said Nyamangah. “For me looking forward, I think maintaining and strengthening that bridge and at the same time still providing a platform for the parents and students who traditionally have not been listened…to be able to be part of the decision making.”
